Wednesday, 10 June 2009


So I finally got a diagnosis. I saw a different doctor today, he is much better than Dr.Taylor in my opinion. This guy (i cant spell his name) gave me a proper examination and then told me the condition I have: Chondromalacia (also known as Runners Knee). This basically means I have inflamation of the knee.

So thgere is a chance this may never go away. However it could go in a week, a month, a year or even a decade... i'm hoping for a week or a month. I want rid of this, I have had it for about 7months and its horrible.

I have a walking stick as an aid now, but I dont know if I can take it to Kosovo with me. But hopefully I can, and Sim (from TCF) has said he will take his crutches for me in his car if I cant take my stick...

So it kind of is an answer to prayer, which is encouraging. I prayed that I would find out what condition I have and thats what happened today... I guess I just hoped that it would get better. There is always more time I guess.

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