Saturday, 20 June 2009

Moving on

Now I have come to the end of my school years I've been doing some thinking.

Its amazing how much the year I started Rickmansworth with has changed. How we have all grown up, matured, moved, and been shaped by each other. The year I started with - we all had our own little groups at the begining. If you interacted with anyone outside your group... that was bad news.

I was never really part of a group... yeah I was friends with the people I knew from junior school but tbh I was a loner... and not happy about it. I was a loner for my whole Rickmansworth experience. But I wouldnt have changed that...

By around year 9 we had started to intergrate as a year group. We started to get over the stupid petty friendship groups that we thought defined us. They still existed to some extent - they always will but we all began to push the boundries.

I was always bullied at school but I just got on with it and eventually they got the idea. But year 10 was the worst year for me... the year the real bullying took place.

Anyway that was then, and this is now. I moved away, so did some others over the years. But we will always be connected and we will always have a place that we played in each others lives.

Its over - we are all moving on, going to uni, going to work or having a gap year. Everything is changing...

Its finished, its come to an end, its over.................

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